Weekly Task 5

Sunday 14 October 2018

I had fun creating materials in class this week so I was pretty happy to continue on with that as a weekly task. We had to create two metal, two stone, two wood, one skin and one water material.The thing I liked about it is being able to focus solely on improving my texture painting skills without having to worry about doing a completely finished piece. I actually completely started over several of the spheres as after more practice I found it easier to notice where I had gone wrong and where I could fix it. Even now I can already see errors I have made, but it is all part of the learning process and I will try to improve upon them next time along.

I found the skin and the water materials particularly tricky, which surprised me as I thought because they were more organic looking that they would be more forgiving with shape and colour. This did highlight to me that an error I may be making is that I'm not studying these kind of materials enough when drawing, so my youtube history will soon be filling up with skin painting tutorials!
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